进气口 / 百叶窗
- 外壳框架采用Munters Protect耐腐蚀材料制造而成;
- 百叶窗支承和密封件是由防紫外线高耐缩醛树脂材料制造而成,且免维护;
- 百叶窗系统被设计成与Euroemme范围内的排气风机的尺寸比率相匹配,以获得较高能量和压降效率;
- SM百叶窗系统经过特殊设计,将空气从循环风机传输到排气风机;
- 所有电机和百叶窗系统都经过单独测试,确保质量控制和性能保证;
- 安装简便;
- 电动式SMT百叶窗系统可以实现通风进气口的简易化及自动化要求。
SM inlet shutters are suitable for use in the livestock and greenhouse industries as well as traditional industries. In order to obtain a quick and responsive control over the fresh-air intake into a house, a SM inlet shutter can be utilized. Air is sucked into the house structure through an open SM inlet shutter by means of exhaust fans, placed in the exterior walls of the structure, or by our EMT range of jet fans utilized to blend fresh-air with internal house air. SM Shutter are available with drive motors (SMT) for automatic opening or for manual operation (SMA). The SMC version has been designed specifically to be used as a retrofit exhaust shutter system for existing circulation fans that need to be converted to exhaust fans To improve aerodynamic efficiency and reduce pressure losses the shutter design has been developed in Munters R&D lab. The test chamber has been built according to ANSI/AMCA 210-85 Figure 15 specifications. Construction details and airtightness have been verified by personnel of the BESS Lab at the Agricultural Engineering Dept, University of Illinois – USA.
- 技术参数
技术规格 | |
Weight (with motor actuator) | 10.5 kg |
Number of shutterblades | 5 |
Inlet opening | 0,44 m2 |