温湿度控制 / 配件
- 可控制对1只或2只活禽的称量;
- 长达500天的数据收集能力;
- 防水、防尘,具备电涌和闪电保护功能;
- 高品质电缆、不锈钢挂壁式或落地式平台;
- 配置五位数码显示器和USB电脑接口;
- 可设置标准曲线、或设定用户自用式曲线(家禽称重系统);
- 称重精度误差在每只家禽重量的0.2%左右(家禽称重系统);
- 可显示每日增重量的标准偏差值(家禽称重系统);
The feed weigher itself contains a tank which is hung in a load cell. The feed tank can hold up to 25 kg of feed depending on the feed density. When the desired quantity is weighed and recorded, a damper at the bottom on the feed weigher leads the feed out to a container under the weight. (NB: This container not supplied by Munters)
The desired amount of feed per weighing and possibly the mixing ratio is to be set on the controller.
Ex. for RFS6-3comp.
1. Empties the weigher
2. Fills one component
3. Registers one component weigher
4. Fills two component weigher
5. Registers two component weigher
6. Fills three component weigher
7. Registers three component weigher
8. Empties the weigher
Depending on the type of screw that is selected for mounting the feed weigher and how many components that are to be
mixed, the weigher can handle between 1100 and 1200 kg / h.
• Contains up to 25 kg of feed
• Easy to adjust
• The weigher can handle between 1100 and 1200 kg / h.
• Quantity per. weighing, optional 10-25 kg