除湿机 / 含冷冻系统的除湿机
DriEaz dehumidifiers
The refrigerant dehumidifiers are portable and made from high-impact plastic. The areas of application include water damage restoration and structural drying.
The dehumidifiers are simple to handle and have a high dehumidification capacity compared to the size, and therefor they are perfect for critical tasks.
- 便携式紧凑型设计,容易移动
- Pump with 12.2 metres tube
- Portable with soft "non-marking" rubber wheels
- 冷冻除湿机组外壳使用抗碰撞冲击的聚乙烯材料制造而成
- 7.6米电源线
- 效率不错的空气过滤器 / 滤清器
- 小尺寸机组,大除湿能力